Interim Leadership
The church board met with the District Superintendent on Wednesday, December 8, 2021. One of the items the board discussed during that meeting was interim leadership of the church during the time of transition. The board voted that night to ask Brad Taylor, Executive Pastor, to serve as the interim point person providing direction to staff and operations during the interim period, however long it may last. Pastor Brad has accepted this invitation.
Additionally, and importantly, the rest of the staff will remain in place during the interim period as well. We are so blessed with such a tremendous team to help lead our church through this season. If you click here, you can see the wonderful team of people we are blessed to call our church staff.
Both the staff and the church board appreciate your continued prayers as we work to appropriately thank Pastor Doug and Debbie for their years of faithful service and begin to consider what the next season of ministry for Lima Community Church may hold.