tinytown nursery

We believe that in the Nursery here at Lima Community “as we are changing diapers….God is changing lives.” We begin at the earliest age layering on God’s love for these precious little ones. Several ways we do this is by praying Bible verses over them as we change diapers, as we rock and comfort the little ones or are sitting on the floor playing we remind them that Jesus loves them & they are special to Him.

Nursery Reopening

We are excited to welcome our little ones back to tinytown nursery beginning September 6! Registration is required each week and is open Monday 9:00am-Thursday 9:00pm at limacommunitychurch.com/kidstown. Spaces are limited. During this time we cannot accept walk-ins for tinytown nursery, so please be sure to register your little one each week.

Registration will begin Monday, August 31st at 9:00am and will close Thursday, September 3rd at 9:00pm or until full.

Click the Kidstown Klubhouse image to find out more information about Sunday Nights!

Upcoming Information

Family Worship Sunday Special Outside Service

You won’t want to miss worshiping as a family under our big tent by the AXIS. This is a great way to wrap up our summer together, celebrating our GREAT GOD through worship, baptisms, and a great message. All children birth and up will join their parents in the tent during regular weekend services on Sunday, August 30. We will have s special time of prayer for our schools, students, teachers, administrators, and staff.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does my little one need to bring to the nursery?

A bottle or sippy cup, a change of clothes, diapers, pacifier and if they have a “lovey”, you’re encouraged to leave that also.

I'm nursing, am I still able to leave my little one in the nursery?

Certainly! We encourage you to sign them into the age-appropriate Nursery (so you can enjoy the service). When signing them in, please tell us that they nurse and may become hungry during the service. If they become fussy, we will alert you using their security number right away.

My two year old is potty training. Will you take them to the potty?

Yes, we certainly will. But, we ask that you take them potty prior to signing them into their room.

What is your Well-Child Policy?

If your child has shown any sign of illness within the past 24 hours, please keep your child at home. This includes, but is not limited to, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, coughing, runny nose, or sore throat. If you have been around anyone who has had these symptoms or has had COVID-19 or is being treated for COVID-19 within the past 14 days, please stay home. We are working to create the safest and healthiest environment for your kids and for our volunteers. In order for us to continue gathering without interruption, we need your help to create this environment.

Will my little one get sick in the nursery?

We hope not! We do EVERYTHING we can to insure that our toys are clean and sanitized.

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Cindy Lowry

Nursery Coordinator

Have any more questions? Contact Cindy:


419.223.9646 ext. 1121