Student Ministry Forms

Activity Waiver/Medical Release for ALL EVENTS

This form covers all of our off site events; including camps, mission trips, conferences, etc. Some event locations also require their own waivers as well, which we will let you know about in advance. This waiver is also used for in house AXIS events that include our rock wall. This form is valid for one year from the date it is signed, so a new form is not required for each event. Click the button below and it will automatically download in your browser. Please print, complete, and sign the form. You may email it to or return it to Amy Durst in the Family Ministry Office located in the AXIS Building.


Permission Slip to ride in a vehicle with adult small group leader

This permission slip will need to be filled out, signed and returned to or the AXIS on the day your child will be riding with their adult small group leader to an offsite location. This is not required if you have registered your teen for an event in which an activity/medical release waiver has been completed.